
Your Local Charity

Gold Coast Hospital Foundation is the official charity for Gold Coast Health. As a locally-based community organisation, we raise funds to support patients and their families by delivering local health programs and projects. Our purpose is to relieve medical hardship caused by illness, injury or disability while supporting the incredible patient care provided by Gold Coast Health medical professionals.

Who We Are

With no government funding, the Foundation relies on the generosity of its valued supporters, sponsors, corporate partners, community groups and individuals who raise crucial funds through donations, events, appeals, bequests, regular giving and other fundraising activities.

Together with this wonderful support, the Foundation is committed to raising much-needed funds to benefit the health and well-being of children and adults across the Gold Coast region. The Foundation does not fund anything that government budgets provide, but rather delivers a range of vital support programs that would not otherwise be available to patients and their families at local public hospitals and community health facilities.

We fund and deliver the vital extras to improve patient care and comfort including:

  • Cancer Patient Transport Service
  • Emergency Accommodation Service
  • Purchasing medical equipment and aids
  • Funding hospital-led health research
  • Improving hospital facilities and patient spaces
  • Providing scholarships for Gold Coast Health staff

What We Do

With community support, Gold Coast Hospital Foundation funds medical equipment, health research and support programs for patients and their families at the following Gold Coast public hospitals and health care facilities:

  • Gold Coast University Hospital
  • Robina Hospital
  • Varsity Lakes Day Hospital
  • Southport Allied Health Precinct
  • Robina Allied Health Precinct
  • 13 community-based public facilities


Our vision

No one in our community experiences hardship caused by illness or disability.


Our mission

To aid our community in times of need

Who We Support



More than 100,000 babies, children and adults across the Gold Coast and further afield are supported during their treatment and recovery in hospital.



We provide emergency accommodation assistance to help the direct family members of patients receiving critical care for serious illness or injury.

Health Staff

Health Staff

We fund lifesaving equipment and innovative health research that helps Gold Coast Health staff deliver swifter diagnosis and enhanced treatment.

Hospitals and Health Facilities

Hospitals and Health Facilities

We raise vital funds for three public hospitals, two health precincts and 13 community health centres to help keep Gold Coasters healthy.

Discover Our Impact


To be open and accountable to the people we serve.

Community First

To have the community’s best interest at heart.


To strive for outstanding performance and outcomes.


To listen, value and acknowledge each other.


To treat others with understanding and sensitivity.


To take ownership and enable each other to achieve more.

Purpose and Legislation

Primary objects

https://gchfoundation.org.au/about-us/#primary-objects Copied to clipboard

Those objects, as identified in the Hospitals Foundations Act 1982 (Qld), for the relief of poverty and distress of humans in Queensland caused by illness or disease.

Secondary objects

https://gchfoundation.org.au/about-us/#secondary-objects Copied to clipboard

To exist as a charitable, not-for-profit, public benevolent institution and to function as such, with excellence, for the purpose of achieving the Primary Objects.

The relief of poverty and distress, such as sickness, disability, destitution, suffering, misfortune or helplessness, of humans in Queensland, but particularly the Gold Coast, caused by illness or disease.

Legislation and finance

https://gchfoundation.org.au/about-us/#legislation-and-finance Copied to clipboard

Gold Coast Hospital Foundation is a charitable Public Ancillary Fund that raises money to fund activities and projects that help improve the care delivered at Gold Coast Health facilities including Gold Coast University Hospital. The Foundation operates according to the following Acts and requirements:

  • The Hospital Foundations Act 2018
  • The Hospital Foundations Regulation 2018
  • Charities Act 2013 (Cth)
  • Australian Charities and Not-For-Profits Commission Act 2012 (Cth)
  • Public Ancillary Fund Guidelines 2011
  • An independent annual financial and operational audit
  • A requirement to produce an Annual Report detailing operations and financial results. This public document is lodged with the Parliament of Queensland by the Minister for Health and Minister for Ambulance Services

The Foundation’s status as a Public Ancillary Fund was approved on 29 May 1995. In December 2015, our status changed to being endorsed as a Deductible Gift Recipient Type 1 as a Public Benevolent Institution.

The Foundation is:

  • GST Concession effective from 1 July 2005
  • Income Tax Exempt effective from 1 July 2000
  • Endorsed as a Deductible Gift Recipient effective from 1 July 2000
  • Covered by item 2 of the table in Section 30-15 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997

The Foundation secures income through both philanthropic fundraising and commercial income activities including vending machines and sponsorship. Having a mixed-income strategy allows the Foundation to secure a stable and reliable income base from which to plan well for the future and to engage with the local community who are keen to support public health care.

Registered charity

https://gchfoundation.org.au/about-us/#registered-charity Copied to clipboard

Gold Coast Hospital Foundation is registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) Register.

ACNC Registered Charity Logo



Learn more about the Foundation and the impact of our work across the Gold Coast community.

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