
Mar, 2020

Gold Coast Health nurse signs up to change lives

Gold Coast Health pre-admissions enrolled nurse Debra Diffey, is the 300th Gold Coast Health employee to sign up for the Workplace Giving Program, supporting the Gold Coast Hospital Foundation.

After 20 years of working in medical administration in private medical centres, Debra decided, in 2017, to become a nurse. Debra has now graduated from her studies and has proudly joined the Gold Coast Hospital and Health Service.

The pre-admissions nursing staff ensure that patients scheduled for upcoming surgery are fully informed and prepared for their procedure. This in turn helps the patient have a success recovery.

“I have always worked in a Medical environment but wanted to be more involved in caring for patients and I have found this at GCUH and I love it,” Debra said.

“Pre-admissions is a very busy unit. We are fully booked every day but we ensure we take the time with our patients and support them to minimise risks after surgery.”

Debra first heard about the Gold Coast Hospital Foundation when she began working at GCUH a month ago.

“During my orientation, I was impressed by the Gold Coast Hospital Foundation’s presentation and thought it is a great foundation with an important cause,” she said.

“We also received a pre-pack with information about Workplace Giving and I thought that is a great idea because it is a locally-based community foundation that is going to help the people of the Gold Coast.

“Every one of us can suddenly be in the situation of needing the help of the Foundation.”

Debra said she signed up to Workplace Giving – a donation from her net pay is made to the Foundation that is tax deductible and can be claimed at the end of the financial year on her tax return – and she does not notice it coming out of her pay.

“I believe this is a great opportunity to give something back to our local community. My small donation each fortnight helps provide much needed services and equipment. “One day it might be me or my family or you and your family that are reliant upon the generosity of others,“ she said.

“I am working for Gold Coast University Hospital and for me, there can’t be any more trustworthy charity than the Gold Coast Hospital Foundation.

“My $2 per fortnight is not noticeable deduction on the pay slip and it can save lives.

“By giving a little, we have the ability to change a lot together and improve someone’s life.”