
Intensive Care Unit Courses and Programs

The Intensive Care Unit of Gold Coast University Hospital hosts educational courses and programs that provide critical knowledge and training in the following areas:

Expert Faculty – learn from experts at the forefront of intensive care medicine

Interactive Learning – including hands-on, simulation based training and interactive workshops

Networking Opportunities – exchange ideas, collaborate and establish new networks

Course Programs

Basic Course

Basic Course

Intro to ICU

Quic Course

Quic Course

Intro to ICU


CALS Course

CALS Course

Cardiac ALS

GASP Course

GASP Course

Adv Airway

Gold Perc Course

Gold Perc Course

Primary Course

Gold Rush Course

Gold Rush Course

ECHO Course

Gold Trip

Gold Trip

Interview Course

Meet the Faculty

Trainer #1

Trainer #1

Bio and description

Trainer #2

Trainer #2

Bio and description

Trainer #3

Trainer #3

Bio and Description